Eve University Abundance Project Statistics

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The format of this table has the planet type in the columns, and the resources in the rows. Therefore the amount of Aqueous Liquids from the Barren planets in the data set can be found in the upper left corner, etc. Each cell has the abundance broken down by security status of the systems. Each security status entry is in the form

Minimum - Average - Maximum (sample count)

Cells in red indicate that this is the best type of planet to extract that resource.

Resource BarrenGasIceLavaOceanicPlasmaStormTemperate
Aqueous Liquids

High: 0-13.28-135 (544)
Low: 0-24.17-67 (127)
0.0: 0-24.64-46 (28)
WH: 0-30.83-52 (6)

High: 0-20.56-30 (554)
Low: 0-35.45-52 (136)
0.0: 0-41.22-61 (23)
WH: 0-12.33-74 (6)

High: 0-41.41-50 (100)
Low: 50-67.83-90 (23)
0.0: 0-75.00-100 (4)
WH: 0- 0.00-0 (3)

High: 0-34.73-55 (66)
Low: 0-53.23-95 (22)
0.0: 64-90.25-100 (4)
WH: 0-68.00-136 (2)

High: 0-24.62-40 (157)
Low: 0-42.89-83 (36)
0.0: 42-56.44-90 (9)
WH: 88-5059.67-15000 (3)

High: 0-21.62-80 (233)
Low: 0-529.56-20000 (41)
0.0: 0-53.14-96 (7)
WH: No Data


High: 0- 6.23-10 (233)
Low: 0-24.78-66 (41)
0.0: 0-51.43-67 (7)
WH: No Data

Base Metals

High: 0-24.87-315 (544)
Low: 0-42.17-70 (127)
0.0: 0-42.54-64 (28)
WH: 0-66.67-110 (6)

High: 0-24.08-33 (554)
Low: 0-40.59-60 (136)
0.0: 0-45.52-64 (23)
WH: 0-16.17-97 (6)

High: 0-14.59-22 (185)
Low: 0-23.43-45 (47)
0.0: 0-81.38-1000 (16)
WH: 0-33.33-60 (3)

High: 0-10.71-16 (77)
Low: 0-18.18-33 (22)
0.0: 0-16.57-30 (7)
WH: No Data

High: 0-26.67-45 (157)
Low: 0-43.83-69 (36)
0.0: 42-57.56-84 (9)
WH: 100-5072.00-15000 (3)

Carbon Compounds

High: 0-26.64-305 (544)
Low: 0-44.31-74 (127)
0.0: 0-49.14-80 (28)
WH: 0-64.33-111 (6)

High: 0-18.50-32 (66)
Low: 0-31.45-63 (22)
0.0: 36-49.25-68 (4)
WH: 0-31.50-63 (2)

High: 0-27.88-39 (233)
Low: 0-46.90-78 (41)
0.0: 0-57.00-72 (7)
WH: No Data

Complex Organisms

High: 0- 8.95-18 (66)
Low: 0-16.86-51 (22)
0.0: 17-46.00-64 (4)
WH: 0-47.50-95 (2)

High: 0- 7.44-21 (233)
Low: 0-16.44-55 (41)
0.0: 0-26.57-65 (7)
WH: No Data

Felsic Magma

High: 0- 2.83-9 (185)
Low: 0-12.38-50 (47)
0.0: 0-143.25-2000 (16)
WH: 0-26.00-39 (3)

Heavy Metals

High: 0-40.22-52 (100)
Low: 48-68.17-94 (23)
0.0: 0-66.00-89 (4)
WH: 0- 0.00-0 (3)

High: 0-28.70-47 (185)
Low: 0-48.64-93 (47)
0.0: 0-43.12-100 (16)
WH: 0-64.67-109 (3)

High: 0-14.40-23 (77)
Low: 0-24.41-50 (22)
0.0: 0-21.00-41 (7)
WH: No Data

Ionic Solutions

High: 0-11.26-24 (554)
Low: 0-28.35-55 (136)
0.0: 0-46.83-66 (23)
WH: 0-13.83-83 (6)

High: 0- 8.93-17 (157)
Low: 0-23.08-51 (36)
0.0: 42-49.89-55 (9)
WH: 44-5037.67-15000 (3)

Micro Organisms

High: 0-24.83-255 (544)
Low: 0-42.35-67 (127)
0.0: 0-47.39-72 (28)
WH: 0-56.50-96 (6)

High: 0-18.73-24 (100)
Low: 0-29.57-44 (23)
0.0: 0-31.50-46 (4)
WH: 0- 0.00-0 (3)

High: 0-29.23-50 (66)
Low: 0-51.14-100 (22)
0.0: 62-78.50-100 (4)
WH: 0-53.00-106 (2)

High: 0-22.36-54 (233)
Low: 0-32.78-86 (41)
0.0: 0-35.14-70 (7)
WH: No Data

Noble Gas

High: 0-26.00-36 (554)
Low: 0-45.30-65 (136)
0.0: 0-49.35-71 (23)
WH: 0-15.50-93 (6)

High: 0-15.25-19 (100)
Low: 17-24.91-35 (23)
0.0: 0-26.25-38 (4)
WH: 0- 0.00-0 (3)

High: 0-23.90-39 (157)
Low: 0-41.81-79 (36)
0.0: 47-60.67-69 (9)
WH: 41-5042.67-15000 (3)

Noble Metals

High: 0- 8.08-105 (544)
Low: 0-22.53-46 (127)
0.0: 0-30.18-51 (28)
WH: 0-39.83-76 (6)

High: 0-12.32-18 (77)
Low: 0-32.82-71 (22)
0.0: 0-38.86-73 (7)
WH: No Data

Non-CS Crystals

High: 0-12.06-19 (185)
Low: 0-29.23-60 (47)
0.0: 0-49.44-255 (16)
WH: 0-50.00-89 (3)

High: 0- 8.09-13 (77)
Low: 0-20.18-48 (22)
0.0: 0-21.86-41 (7)
WH: No Data

Planktic Colonies

High: 0-10.39-13 (100)
Low: 0-24.48-49 (23)
0.0: 0-35.25-52 (4)
WH: 0- 0.00-0 (3)

High: 0-11.20-16 (66)
Low: 0-25.55-61 (22)
0.0: 53-58.00-61 (4)
WH: 0-47.50-95 (2)

Reactive Gas

High: 0- 2.51-8 (554)
Low: 0-11.67-34 (136)
0.0: 0-25.96-56 (23)
WH: 0- 7.17-43 (6)

Suspended Plasma

High: 0-16.96-24 (185)
Low: 0-27.87-54 (47)
0.0: 0-164.12-2222 (16)
WH: 0-35.00-63 (3)

High: 0-12.60-35 (77)
Low: 0-25.32-84 (22)
0.0: 0-24.57-63 (7)
WH: No Data

High: 0-22.20-39 (157)
Low: 0-37.56-69 (36)
0.0: 33-51.33-81 (9)
WH: 85-5059.00-15000 (3)